What's Green for schadenfreude?

After decades of presenting List candidates with almost Vestal-like qualities, the Greens are now facing an embarrassing reality. One of their parliamentarians has anger management issues, another is a kleptomaniac and another seems to be an exploiter of powerless migrants. I recall their holier-than-thou attitude to the Whaka-jumping legislation by implying that their people are a better lot than those other parties. The kleptomaniac Golriz Gharamanian gained entry to this country by pleading on her childhood distress in the Middle East, yet she dons a Palestinian scarf at every opportunity. I detect, not a refugees but a narcissist.

I await with pleasure the spectacle of Ms Tama's parliamentary defenestration. As my mother would say when I came face-to-face with painful consequences: 'Let that be a lesson to you'.