We're too nice to criticise Islam

While Western Europe with the exception of the UK, is steadily moving to the political Right and openly declaring a halt to migration from Islamic countries, New Zealand just can't quite bring itself to drink the Kool-aide and arm itself against the creeping tide. The US also, given a Trump victory in November, will match up with Europe.

The mind-set locally maybe a hangover from Ardern-ism and her gleeful embrace of the Christchurch Mosque attacks. 'See, we're looking in the wrong direction', were actual words. So sad for 'la Ardern' that that narrative was destroyed when the next two religiously motivated attacks were perpetrated by Muslims. These were firstly, the LynnMall stabbings by Mohammad Samsudeen, who should have been in custody here or deported to his native Sri Lanka and secondly the textbook honour killing by a young migrant - Mr Singh who had converted from Sikhism to Islam. The judge's sentencing notes in the case against Singh are a litany of wokeism, with the Court suggesting that Singh was driven to extreme behaviour by his Sikh upbringing. The judge couldn't entertain the thought that Singh had converted to Islam because it better matched his virulent misogyny. 'Fall in love with me or else' is an approximation of his messages to his victim.

A further extraordinary feature of the Singh trial was the decision of one of the main free-to-air channels to re-screen the dopey feel-good Islam-centred series.

The cartoonish Imam featured in the programme behaved and opined like a high school guidance counsellor. His advice to the young hero's love interest was: 'Give him more time'. In the real world an Imam, if he had deigned to speak to the woman at all, would have told her to do whatever the man wanted and BTW 'Cover your hair'.

But back to the Christchurch Mosque shooting. Do we not remember that it prompted the UN to declare an International Day dedicated to combatting Islamophobia. Why are we too nice, to call out the quantum attacks on Christian churches - a few of which are listed here?

  • Sri Lanka(Apr. 21, 2019): Easter Sunday, Muslim terrorists bombed three churches and three hotels; 359 people were killed and more than 500 wounded.
  • Nigeria (Apr. 20, 2014): Easter Sunday, Islamic terrorists torched a packed church; 150 were killed.
  • Pakistan (Mar. 27, 2016): After Easter Sunday church services, Islamic terrorists bombed a park where Christians had congregated; more than 70 Christians — mostly women and children — were killed. "There was human flesh on the walls of our house," a witness recalled.
  • Iraq (Oct. 31, 2011): Islamic terrorists stormed a church in Baghdad during worship and opened fire indiscriminately before detonating their suicide vests. Nearly 60 Christians — including women, children, and babies — were killed (graphic pictures of aftermath here).
  • Nigeria (Apr. 8, 2012): Easter Sunday, explosives planted by Muslims detonated near two packed churches; more than 50 were killed, and unknown numbers wounded.
  • Egypt (Apr. 9, 2017): Palm Sunday, Muslims bombed two packed churches; at least 45 were killed, more than 100 wounded.
  • Nigeria (Dec. 25, 2011): During Christmas Day services, Muslim terrorists shot up and bombed three churches; 37 were killed and nearly 57 wounded.
  • Egypt (Dec. 11, 2016): An Islamic suicide bombing of two churches left 29 people killed and 47 wounded (graphic images of aftermath here).
  • Indonesia (May 13, 2018): Muslims bombed three churches; 13 were killed and dozens wounded.
  • Egypt (Jan. 1, 2011): Muslim terrorists bombed a church in Alexandria during New Year's Eve mass; at least 21 Christians were killed. According to eyewitnesses, "body parts were strewn all over the street outside" and "were brought inside the church after some Muslims started stepping on them and shouting Jihadi chants," such as "Allahu Akbar!"
  • Philippines (Jan. 27, 2019): Muslim terrorists bombed a cathedral; at least 20 were killed, and more than 100 wounded.
  • Indonesia (Dec. 24, 2000): During Christmas Eve services, Muslim terrorists bombed several churches; 18 were killed and over 100 wounded.
  • Pakistan (Mar. 15, 2015): Muslim suicide bombers killed at least 14 Christians in attacks on two churches.
  • Germany (Dec. 19, 2016): Near the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church in Berlin, a Muslim man drove a truck into a Christmas market; 13 were killed and 55 wounded.
  • Egypt (Dec. 29, 2017): Muslim gunmen shot up a church in Cairo; nine were killed.
  • Egypt (Jan. 6, 2010): After Christmas Eve mass (according to the Orthodox calendar), Muslims shot six Christians dead as they exited their church.
  • Russia (Feb. 18, 2018): A Muslim man carrying a knife and a double-barreled shotgun entered a church and opened fire; five people — all women — were killed, and at least five wounded.
  • France (July 26, 2016): Muslims entered a church and slit the throat of the officiating priest, 84-year-old Fr. Jacques Hamel, and took four nuns hostage until French authorities shot the terrorists dead.