Those thuggish British

What an extraordinarily biased editorial 'A tale of three countries' (ODT 8 August). To state that: 'There is an ugly side to the British', is to ignore their forbearance over decades in the face of sustained Muslim terror. Have you forgotten Pan Am 103, Central London transport bombings, Glasgow Airport, Lee Rigby, Westminster Bridge, London Bridge, Parsons Green and the truly horrific Manchester Arena (youngest victim 8 yo Saffie Rousos)?  On the community side there was the serial abuse of young British girls by Muslim migrants in and around Rotherham. not all Muslims are terrorists, but the majority of terrorists are Muslim. 

BTW About 50,000 Huguenots sought refuge in Britain in the 15th and 16th Centuries. They were welcomed for their skills and religious compatibility. All of the attributes current migrants don't have.