No tears for TV3

I can't summon up much sorrow at the closure of TV3. I recall the vox pop of its London reporter Lissette Raymer at the coronation of King Charles. It was snide and insulting for two nights running. 'Don't you think Charles is a clown?' was one question.  I logged a complaint online and lo-and-behold the next (3rd) night's coverage was calm and factual, as one should expect from a free-to-air broadcaster. In view of what transpired with the complaint outcome, one would think the volte face had revealed a guilty conscience.

Not so! The complaint ground on and eventually TV3 and the Broadcasting Standards Authority exonerated themselves via a flimsy and obscure technicality.

It was that outcome that in my eyes skewered the broadcaster. A promoted image of frothy bonhomie and now the victim, disguising a destructive, leftist underbelly.