Donna Miles gets it wrong - again

Donna Miles op-ed in both 'The Post' and 'The Press' gets it wrong again. -Titled: 'Debate smooths path to increased Islamophobia', protests about the identification of Pakistani men as the principal perpetrators of rapes agains young British girls. The fact is that other minority Asian groups - mainly Indians and Sikhs, have protested that they are being swept up into the problem that is essentially Pakistani and Muslim. The BBC, which which generally avoids criticism of ethnic minorities, reports:

'Groups representing Sikh and Hindu communities have complained about the term "Asian" being used to describe the men involved in grooming trials.

Earlier this month, nine men were jailed for being part of a sex ring in Rochdale which groomed girls for sex.

The groups said the men involved were "almost always of Pakistani origin" and the term "Asian" was inaccurate.

The Ramadan Foundation has said grooming is "a significant problem for the British Pakistani community"'.

It is noteworthy that Mehdi Hasan was interviewed recently by Piers Morgan. Hasan asserted that '000s more white British gangs were reposible for gang rapes than Muslims'. Morgen asked: 'So where are the lists of white perpetrators, charged, tried and convicted? Hasan had no answer.