Cheap shots

Forget the motivations of the deranged young man who fired at Donald Trump on Saturday. His rifle was simply the tip of a spear that has been fashioned by the US Left for all of the ten years since Trump entered national politics. From Obama's sneering 'guns and bibles', to HR Clinton's 'deplorables', you can add Johnny Depp musing on whether he should emulate Lincoln's assassin John Wilkes Booth. And then there is that odious wannabe comedian - Kathy Griffin, pictured holding Trump's severed bloody head. I won't dignify the late-night hosts on US cable networks who put the boot into Trump nightly. That said, I hold special contempt for Whoopi Godberg who implied that given a choice between a drooling self-soiled Biden and a dehumanised Trump, Joe is the better option. With high-profile individuals attacking Trump, is it any wonder the idea enters that young man's head: 'Hey I can be a celebrity too' and makes plans to shoot.