Beware the Trump

With a new Trump Administration becoming more likely by the day, some politicians may rue their past utterances about The Donald.

One such is David Lammy the UK Foreign Secretary in Keir Starmer's cabinet line- up.

A recent edition of The Spectator records this massive Lammy 'howler':

When in opposition Lammy described Trump as a 'racist Klu Klux Klan and Nazi sympathiser' and even went so far as to join a public demonstration against Trump's state visit to Britain.

Even forgiving Lammy's woeful lack of historical knowledge, one must ask about his basic nous. He was clearly headed for a Cabinet role when the government changed, but chose to put his stamp on the 'special relationship' in the most stupid way.

For those with an interest in history, note that the Klan were Democrats (Dixiecrats), intent on repressing blacks even though they had been emancipated by Lincoln the Republican.